This is an English Quiz app I originally wrote for my own students as an accompaniment to our course book Incredible English 6 but I am sure that like me other teachers and parents will find the app useful and educational for their students or children so here it is and I hope you enjoy the app.The app is totally free and there are no hidden extras and no adverts in the app, I just hope it can help educate other learners of English out there.
Mr B's Incredible English Quiz 6 is a fun and challenging English language quiz for upper junior school students and aimed at students learning English as a second language. It is based around Oxford University Press's (OUP) Incredible English Series of books, this app is based on the English language structures taught in Incredible English Book 6. The quiz has two general modes and two quiz play modes. The two general modes are book and no book, if your child or student is studying and has the Incredible English 6 book then in book mode extra questions are included which refer specifically to the stories and text in the book. Choosing no book mode filters out book specific questions. So it is ideal for students either studying the book in school or at home or for students just wanting to practice their general English.
For each of the 9 units in the book there is a separate quiz and also there is a bonus quiz which the students win attempts at when successfully answering correctly all five questions in a unit quiz. For each set of 5 correct answers the player gets 5 bonus quiz game credits to play in Vegas mode.
Please note that this is NOT an official OUP app, it is just something I created to supplement the learning in the book and also improve general English.